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【ご褒美に☆】HERMES エルメス ハンドバッグ オータクロア50 テール ヴォリンカ ロシアンレザー シルバー金具 新品 (HERMES Haut a courroies50 Bag Terre Volynka Russia Leather SHW[Brand New][Authentic])【あす楽対応】#よちか

【ご褒美に☆】HERMES エルメス ハンドバッグ オータクロア50 テール ヴォリンカ ロシアンレザー シルバー金具 新品 (HERMES Haut a courroies50 Bag Terre Volynka Russia Leather SHW[Brand New][Authentic])【あす楽対応】#よちか

HERMES エルメス ハンドバッグ オータクロア50 テール ヴォリンカ ロシアンレザー シルバー金具 新品 2018年春夏コレクションで見事な蘇りをみせてくれた伝説のヴォリンカロシアンレザーのオータクロアが入荷いたしました。











ずっしりとした佇まいと香りを是非お楽しみください! HERMES Haut a courroies50 Bag Terre Volynka Russia Leather SHW[Brand New][Authentic] Haut a courroies of legendary Volynka Russia Leather which showed the wonderful refreshment by collection was received in the summer in the spring of 2018. Volynka Leather of a leather restoration craftsman and the U.K. of the Hermes tan it, and is the gift of the study for five years by the craftsman. I tanned it and was spent time among the forests of the oak of Devon generously in a studio, and the legendary leather revived wonderfully as Russia Leather of the Hermes. The bark is crushed in the bark crusher after I was naturally dried in a warehouse for three years. It is formed on the wooden net, and the leather as raw material gathered by a tree grown at a radius of less than 100 kilometers is dipped into the solution of the bark for eight months until I am tinged with brown warm. Craftsmen stencil oil from white birch from Russia by hand and finish it afterwards. The manufacturing method of mysterious Russia Leather revived and has been succeeded in this way. I boast of the surprising durability so that it is said that this leather was used for the combat boots of the trunk and soldiers of the prince for Czarist Russia Era. The waterproof high Russia Leather is extremely high, and two Russia Leather is unhurt, and a discovered historic fact proves it among other things from the hold of Metta Catharina which is wrecked off Plymouth, and set in the bottom of the sea after time of 200 years. There is Haut a courroies which being fragrant can enjoy of the leather which is Smoky which is mellow, and is an adult which is very mysterious, and is unique. You can have for a longer time when you care for it while letting you comply with the grain of the lozenge of Russia Leather with an attached exclusive brush. Please enjoy an appearance and the fragrance that you did heavily! 状態 (Condition) 新品/Brand new 色 (Color) テール (Terre/4D) 素材 (Material) ヴォリンカ ロシアンレザー (Volynka Russia Leather) サイズ (Size) 50 (W50cm H43cm D26cm) ※サイズ表記は商品実物の実寸となります。


金具 (Buckle) シルバー金具 (Silver Hardware) 付属品 (Accessories) 箱・保存袋・鍵 ・カデナ・クロシェット・専用ブラシ 仕様 (Specification) 備考 C刻印 (2018年製造) 商品状態詳細 (Product Details) 新品/Brand new ・ヴォリンカ ロシアンレザー特有のにおいあり *There is Volynka Russia Leather special smell ※その他気になる点はお気軽にお問合せ下さい。

ショップ ブランドショップ よちか
税込価格 3,965,500円

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